Join us in California and meet HHP staff member Jean Ancy Fils-Aime!

HHP is fortunate to collaborate with the non-profit Haitian organization OCDES, a group is fully committed to improve the lives of the people in and around Cherident. HHP’s key contact at OCDES is a very active and passionate Board member, Jean Ancy Fils-Aime (aka “Ancy”).

Ancy performs several critical functions for HHP, including the payment and delivery of salaries and medications to our clinic’s staff. More importantly, Ancy provides hands-on mentoring for the staff and provides us with valuable, independent feedback and ideas regarding the effectiveness of our clinic’s medical services to the community at large.

Ancy’s care for his community cannot be understated. As just one small example, Ancy accompanied us and the clinic staff on a recent mobile health visit to the remote town of Pilard. While we ministered to the local patients, Ancy stopped by a local elementary school in session and observed. Not happy with their students' diligence, Ancy took the chalk from the teacher to assist and urged the class “to reach higher to help Haiti’s future”.

Ancy will be visiting California June 5th to 9th and, if you are in the area and would like to meet him, please contact our website or Facebook page for details. -Bob Sears, HHP board president

Sara Simeunovic